Thursday, 19 April 2012

Stop the Welfare Reform Bill from Disadvantaging Disabled Children and Adults

This petition on the Government's Epetition site has been set up by a woman called Kate.

"Stop the proposed Welfare Reform Bill which will disadvantage the disabled. Reform of Tax Credits will mean a £1,400 loss per year to families with disabled children and the change of DLA to PIP will mean about 500,000 disabled people will lose support for their disability plus many more who will suffer a cut. The new system will be rating disabilities like deafness and many more by its nature rather than the true effect. Cuts will cause difficulty at a time when services are under-funded and the cost of living with as little barriers as possible already comes at a high cost. Government say that the new reform is to create a fairer, more transparent and sustainable system, while ensuring that support is given to disabled people to lead full, active and independent lives. The reform is going to do the opposite of this. Their short-sightedness will cost the tax payer more in the future to fix the problems that this reform will create. It's time to show that every disabled person matters."

Please sign the petition by clicking HERE!

thank you :)

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